Ten years ago tonight, Mike Piazza hit the most memorable home run I have ever seen. After the tragic events ten days earlier, New York needed something to cheer about. Who would have thought Mike Piazza would be the spark the city needed to forget about what happened, even for just a moment.
To this day, I still get chills viewing this footage. I know there have been other moments in New York sports history that may rank higher than this one, but you either can’t stand baseball or you root for the Yankees if you don’t put this at the top of the list. Listening to Howie Rose make that call, you know that this moment was extremely important! I’m proud of being a Mets fan, and to be able to say one of my favorite players, wearing my favorite uniform, hit the most important home run in New York history make me feel amazing!
When Mike Piazza hit that home run, he solidified his career as the most memorable Met to ever play the game. I love Tom Seaver, but damn that Mike Piazza! Maybe I’m just too young to appreciate Seaver, but that’s my opinion and Im sticking to it! Enjoy the video!