What can I honestly expect form this series? I have no idea. It can honestly go either way at this point. Do we have any real shot against the Tigers? Did anyone expect us to beat the Rangers?
The Mets do not have to face Halladay or Lee, which gives us a shot. I’m looking forward to seeing how we look fresh out of the gate into the second half. I’m also curious to see how good Beltran is up until the trade deadline and whether or not he keeps the Mets requirements for trade legit. They’re asking for a good player in return, so I guess we’ll see.
I want to see the mets win this series. I am sick of being just another easy team for the Phillies. Ever since 2007 there has been this jinx or curse, whatever you want to call it and I’ve had enough. I know the Mets still missing their best players on the field, but dammit they have to at least make it really hard to keep them down.
I’ll be watching tonight and hoping for the best! LET’S GO METS!!