Read an informative article this morning on Jason Bay and the Red Sox. Ian Browne does a good job of getting the story straight on Click here for article.

“I was shocked, to say the least, that I was being told to have knee surgery in order to get the contract,” Bay told, “particularly since I wasn’t hurt.”

Apparently the Sox wanted Bay to have knee surgery after the 2009 season and if not there would be no contract. They were even going to have a press conference announcing the signing of Bay, but that all stopped after the physical. Both sides got three opinions on the matter and only one came back as a need of surgery…the Red Sox side.

So what does this mean for the Mets? I don’t know exactly but it makes me wonder about the condition of Bay. What if he does have a semi-bum shoulder and knee? Could you imagine having even more damaged goods on the Mets? Or is it all just the Sox being cautious?

Also, does this prove more that the Mets signed Bay just to keep us fans semi-happy? In my own opinion I think they did and that just makes me cringe even more about the 2010 season. I was so excited to see what happens next for the Mets, but after a lousy off-season and a bunch of “what ifs” coming up, I’m starting to feel the confidence rating go even lower.

Again, read the article so you can get a full synopsis of the situation. Great job by Ian Browne! Click Here