Can the Mets look any worse?? Do you wonder why the rest of the league, especially the Phils and Yanks, make fun of us?? We believe in comebacks?? What a joke!!
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this ad on You sign Jason Bay and that’s your big move in the off season? That move was made to show us fans a little mercy. Maybe it will get a few more people in the seats come April and May. I think it’s just a joke.
I felt pretty good about the Mets a couple weeks back, but the more I think about the team and the more I think about how the free agent market is going to be great next year, the more I believe this year is just a setup for next year. I love wasting another year waiting for a re-build. 2011 is the next time we can actually get excited, and only if the Mets actually become a real player in the open market. But knowing the Wilpons, we’re just gonna be lame and lose out to someone else.
Let’s go through the lineup, shall we?
Wright – His head is shot and his throws to first still scare me. His swing is still lingering in Pittsburgh somewhere…
Reyes – Does he have his legs? What if he doesn’t? What else is left in his game?
Beltran – Don’t even get me started.
Murphy – The first baseman is a newbie. Joy.
Castillo – Yeah, that’s gonna work. Who doesn’t like to have old men playing a power position. he should have been gone a while ago.
Francoeur – There is some hope there and the best player we had late last year.
Bay – I guess we’ll see
The Rotation – Santana coming off surgery; Pelfrey is a nervous nellie; Maine is still around by a who knows; Perez was a mistake, is a mistake, and will always be a mistake; it’s a crap shoot for number 5.
The Bullpen – Stokes was the only real light out there and he’s gone. K-Rod I still have faith in, but hopefully he was just blah late last year due to the rest of the team struggling.
So there is your lineup for the 2010 Mets. I read MetsBlog and saw the fan confidence rating at 11% – no surprise. I defintely feel like this year will be another one full of struggles and if anything, tryouts to see who will remain when the year is over. The time has come to break up the core and get new blood in the good old orange and blue.